Gabe Finger and some friends found a potentially new salamander species after the centuries-old Mill Pond dam collapsed in ...
"We are trying with the project to preserve and protect the long leaf pine ecosystem and preserve the habitat-specific good for the salamander." The reticulated flatwoods salamander once thrived ...
The spotted salamander is Ohio's state amphibian. This one was discovered in a vernal pond at Indian Creek MetroPark in Reily Township. Salamanders are important indicator species. They are very ...
Earlier this year, partner organizations released 50 federally endangered reticulated flatwood salamanders on privately owned land in Pace.
About an inch and a half long, the animal was a salamander with an oddly-shaped tongue. It was described as a species new to science. Bolitoglossa digitigrada, or the Rio Santa Rosa mushroom ...
The rare salamanders are only found in a handful of east Tennessee caves. “This agreement is an important step toward securing long-overdue protections for the Berry Cave salamander and correcting a ...