In a bid to save a species globally, a world-first method of extracting semen from male leopard sharks in the wild has been ...
Hypnotizing' Male Sharks to Get Their Semen; Conduct First Artificial Insemination For decades experts have been trying to find ways to stop the population decline of vulnerable animals. Several ...
Arif’, an environmental journalist, is investigating the shark fishing trade in Surabaya, Indonesia. He speaks to industry ...
Because the Indo-Pacific leopard shark (Stegostoma fasciatum) isn’t commercially hunted in local waters its numbers are stable, but overseas it’s a different story. University of the Sunshine ...
This is the untold story of Nesha Ichida, a marine biologist leading a groundbreaking effort to rewild leopard sharks in their native waters. Her mission begins with Myra, a pup shark, whose ...