Jamie O’Neill, owner of Seattle-based Dock Street Brokers, said many of California’s commercial salmon fishermen are getting out of the business, selling their permits or simply letting them expire.
New Zealand King Salmon has reported higher than expected sea farm mortality and lower than anticipated growth rates, which will affect harvest volumes for the 2026 financial year.
Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang’s commentary on what the Alaska Department of Fish and Game is doing to rebuild king salmon stocks in the Gulf of Alaska is just another weak argument for not ...
Like my disconnect between Stephen King and recipes, I also have never considered putting “salmon” and “microwave” in the same sentence, but here we are! In a way, microwaving seems like a nice option ...
Although the Board has not provided guidance for FY26, initial estimates for the FY26 harvest are now between 5,900 & 6,300 MT G&G with a FY26 pro-forma operating EBITDA range likely to be $15m - $24m ...