5. “Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams No act is big or small. 6. Love and kindness are never wasted.
“She was amazing,” said her dad Harry Rissley. “She was ‘be kind, love big’… to lose that was very hard, just because she was just a blessing to everybody.” The Rissley family has ...
Dedicated teachers strive to provide the best for their students, after all—they deserve all the kind words, thank you notes ...
George Michael tragically passed away on Christmas Day, but we doubt the 80s music icon will ever be forgotten. Unsurprisingly, he was ranked as one of the best-selling British artists of all time ...
Kindness is the best virtue an individual can have, and one act of kindness can spark a thousand more! It’s one of those rare things that costs nothing but actually has the power to change everything.