For the people of Jesus’ time, there was not much of a distinction between physical and spiritual healing. We modern people often relegate physical healing to medical professionals, and ...
The Lord, therefore, gave His Son, who became to us wisdom from God. How does Jesus reveal God’s wisdom? That wisdom is manifest most clearly at the cross. There we discern the folly of the ...
He is "revealed as the fulfillment of the prophecies," Rives said. The second key truth is the "profound humility" of Jesus Christ, said Rives. "Despite being the sinless Son of God, He chooses to ...
begotten by God, nourished by the substance and blood of His Most Holy Mother in the womb of Mary Jesus, leaping from eternity into time, in the womb of Mary Jesus, revealing with His Father and the ...
he was both fully God (a person of the Trinity) and fully human. An apostle called Philip asked Jesus to reveal God the Father. However, Jesus explained that the apostles had already seen God the ...
because you haven't believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Now, [in the Gospel of Thomas], this Jesus comes to reveal that you and he are, if you like, twins.... And what you ...
Pope Francis, reflecting on the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, says it serves as a reminder that Jesus is salvation ...
Believers call him the Son of God. Skeptics dismiss him ... Accounts of large crowds coming to Jesus for healing are consistent with what archaeology reveals about first-century Palestine, where ...