Are you getting the best deal on your individual savings accounts (Isas)? Check the latest interest rates offered on cash Isas and fixed-rate deals. See our coverage of the latest savings and ...
In terms of transferring an ISA, you’re free to move a cash ISA to one that pays a better interest rate without affecting this year's allowance - as long as you fill out the correct transfer forms.
A Lifetime Isa can be a strategic way for under-40s to save either for their first home, or retirement. Not only do savings grow tax-free, but the Government rewards savers with a ...
this makes fixed rate cash ISAs quite appealing,” says Holly Mackay, founder of financial comparison website BoringMoney. “Savers can lock in rates of 5% or higher now, and do so in a tax ...
Rate is variable ... These tables are unique on the web. They are independent and providers are not forced to pay to appear, which is typically the case at big comparison sites.