What have computational neuroscientists learned from Hodgkin and Huxley? First, they chose the right model system. The squid axon offered technical advantages due to its size and relative ...
She was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964 in recognition of her discovery. The model gives a three dimensional map of part of one of the crystal salts of penicillin. The contours are ...
Though born in the twentieth century, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin had a typical late-nineteenth century upbringing. She was born in Cairo, Egypt, then a British colony. When Hodgkin was four ...
A treatment that rallies the immune system to destroy cancer raised the survival rate for advanced Hodgkin lymphoma patients to a remarkable 92%, suggesting a new standard therapy for the disease.
Hodgkin lymphoma is not among the 20 most common causes of cancer death in the UK, accounting for less than 1% of all cancer deaths (2017-2019).[1-4] In females in the UK, Hodgkin lymphoma is not ...