High altitude cirrus clouds on a fine day in the Adirondacks. Photos by Katie Finch We talk about nature quite a bit at Audubon. But what is included in that broad category? Obviously plants and ...
According to Keith Berger, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service office in Gaylord, sun halos form when high-altitude clouds — specifically cirrus or cirrostratus clouds — contain ...
Noctilucent, or "night-shining", clouds can be seen on Mars, just as they are on Earth. Nasa's Curiosity Mars rover imaged these high-altitude clouds on 17 May, 2019, using its navigation cameras.
This article was originally published with the title “ Artificial Plasma Clouds in Space ” in Scientific American Magazine Vol. 219 No. 5 (November 1968), p. 80 doi:10.1038 ...