I’m a small HVAC contractor and, for the past three years, I’ve helped Hoosiers heat and cool their homes affordably with one ...
The novel heat pump system relies on a thermal sensor based on an adsorbent-coated sensor layout developed by Vaillant in ...
"We now do 100 heat pumps a month, and we'll be doing 100 heat pumps a week at the end of the year." The 'Uber' of heat pumps ...
Heat pumps are more energy efficient than many traditional heating and cooling systems, and therefore, upgrading a system to ...
Geoffrey and Julie Cox claim since the air source heat pump was put in their bills have risen from £140 a month to more than ...
Triple Solar BV has developed a residential photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) heat pump that uses waste heat from PV modules, ...
If your home uses a conventional heating and cooling system, you may wonder if there's a better way to manage indoor comfort. Between rising energy costs and concerns about the efficiency of ...
Contractors and installers that can add a smart home feature to a hydronic installation could see a longer-term value.
Another option is to have a roof built over the units. We have done that before in certain instances, given that these heat ...
To boost productivity, lower emissions and cut costs, the dairy sector is investigating industrial heat pumps for heating and ...
New state and federal incentives will pay the bulk of the cost for the upgrade, making this an even more cost-effective choice. Empower Maryland now incentivizes heat pump conversions. In all, tax ...
Cologne is decarbonizing its district heating system. To this end, a heat pump with a capacity of 150 megawatts is being ...