With occasional rain showers, you may have noticed green stains appearing on the wood fences of your garden. This is most likely algae. Gardening isn't a favourite task for many, but as spring ...
The pros said: “By diluting white vinegar or tea tree oil with your pressure washer, this tip will wash away the green algae on your fence in no time at all.” If you’re going to use a ...
Streptofilum capillatum itself was first described by the same team just a few years ago from agricultural soil and represents a new lineage in the plant evolutionary tree. Remarkably, this alga ...
Algae is a green, sometimes slimy organism that loves damp, shaded areas. It can accumulate on garden wooden fences due to excess moisture, lack of sunlight, and organic matter buildup.
UK's damp weather is infamous for staining fences with green algae - and it can be a real challenge to clean. A thrifty hack has emerged from the Mrs Hinch fan community, who swear by an ...
These common, globally distributed microbes are barely bigger than bacteria, yet they’re members of the same domain as animals, fungi, and plants, and everything from what they eat to where they fit ...
A dog died during the weekend after swimming in Fox Lake in Martin County, apparently as a result of exposure to toxic blue-green algae. According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ...
View Full Profile. Learn about our Editorial Policies. “Green algae serve as a mothership,” explained Zhang. “They carry hundreds to thousands of nanoparticles loaded with drug molecules.” The ...