University honor cords will be distributed at check-in on graduation day to those undergraduate or professional degree candidates who are candidates for graduation "with distinction" or "with highest ...
Graduation regalia includes the cap and gown, as well as other distinguishing hoods, stoles and cords that denote traditions of academic achievement. Only those who have achieved an academic honor or ...
All veterans, military members and commissioning ROTC students who attend Purdue West Lafayette are authorized to wear red, white and blue cords during graduation. The Veteran and Military Success ...
Students who graduate with distinction may wear cords at commencement. Latin Honors is based on the cumulative grade point average in the term prior to the student’s graduation term. The commencement ...
Cords, Stoles & Medals The University of Colorado Boulder welcomes Native American and Indigenous students and their families to wear and display traditional Native American or Indigenous regalia at ...