The 3-year-old, 12-foot-tall Msituni jumped out of her enclosure 10 minutes prior to the zoo opening for the day on March 5, ...
An Arizona zoo has to modify its giraffe enclosure after one animal got out. Screengrab from Reid Park Zoo's Facebook A ...
Johari, also known as Joh, was a female reticulated giraffe who had called Animal Adventure home for the past six years. Jordan Patch, the park’s owner, shared that Joh was a wonderful ...
A Metro Detroit photo showing a dead giraffe in the bed of a pickup truck is real. Darren Wehner, a taxidermist and big game hunter, verified the authenticity of the animal. Wehner said the ...
The giraffe eventually returned to her habitat ... an unusual burglary suspect responsible for ransacking multiple homes -- an escaped pet monkey. Odd News // 2 hours ago TSA finds live turtle ...
Sacramento Zoo is now home to five female Masai giraffes, officials said. The new calf is the 22nd calf born at the zoo since it began housing giraffes in 1954. The Masai giraffe is the largest ...