Across 36 countries, a median of 54% say the gap between the rich and poor is a very big problem in their nation.
Inequality ‘calls for urgent action’, not least because women live longer than men and so their pension needs are greater ...
Another 31% say it is a moderately big problem. People in some middle-income countries are particularly likely to view gender inequality as a very big problem. In Latin America, for example, ...
Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. Economía Vol. 21, No. 1, Fall 2020 The Role of the Gender Wage Gap in Overa... The Role of the ...
Gender inequality may then explain differences in economic development: 10% of the long-run income difference between South Asia and East Asia & the Pacific can be accounted for by the difference in ...
Wives' contribution to the household economy has increased. Husbands are performing more housework, but women still do more.
According to the UK government, in 2022 the gender pay gap (the difference between men’s and women’s median average hourly pay) was 9.71%. Put another way, in 2022 median pay for women per ...
In other words, income inequality is in part a matter of choice ... The conclusions might be relevant to debates about gender ...