Travel 60 million light-years away into the constellation Virgo to catch a glimpse of interacting galaxies NGC 4568 and NGC ...
Our award-winning show features highlights from the week's edition of Nature, interviews with the people behind the science, and in-depth commentary and analysis from journalists around the world.
The location of the fast radio burst, indicated by the oval outlines, is on the outskirts of a massive elliptical galaxy, the yellow oval at right.
Astronomers at the Gemini Observatory last week recorded an image of the second object ever observed from beyond our solar system.
Using the Gemini South telescope a team of astronomers have confirmed for the first time that differences in binary stars' composition can originate from chemical variations in the cloud of ...
Using observations from the Gemini North telescope, the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, and the Hubble Space Telescope, researchers have developed a single atmospheric model that matches ...