Rabat - A French support committee has called for a demonstration in Paris on Tuesday to demand the release of ...
After nearly eight months of an iron fist between Algeria and Paris, French politicians and diplomats began discussing the ...
New statements by French Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau have raised questions about the existence of pressure on the man ...
Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has said that French counterpart Emmanuel Macron is the "only point of reference" for ...
The fate of 60 Algerians that France hopes to deport across the Mediterranean Sea has divided the two countries, further ...
Algerian prosecutors have requested a 10-year prison sentence for French-Algerian writer Boualem Sansal, accused of ...
France does not want "war with Algeria" but the North African nation is "aggressing" France by refusing to accept deportees, ...
Relations have deteriorated ever since, first with the incarceration of French-Algerian writer Boualem Sansal in Algiers in mid-November, who was accused of having undermined the integrity of ...
While mention of the word torture was banned from official language at the time, the French military in Algeria encouraged ...
Rabat - Moroccan police arrested on Friday a 28-year-old French-Algerian man living in Morocco illegally.  The arrest took ...
Algeria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday rejected a French list of Algerians “with a dangerous profile” set for deportation. It said the list from France's Interior Ministry bypassed ...