Medically reviewed by Richard N. Fogoros, MD A folate deficiency is a lack of vitamin B9 (folate). When left untreated, folate deficiency can become folate deficiency anemia, with symptoms that ...
The best way to find out your folate status is to request a blood test known as serum folate testing from your doctor. Your doctor may also wish to order a complete blood count (CBC) test ...
Background Studies have reported inconsistent results concerning the existence of associations of folate intake and serum folate levels with prostate cancer risk. This study sought to summarise ...
They found the relationship was continuous, with each doubling of serum folate amounting to an approximate halving of the risk of a neural tube defect. Both analyses, interpreted correctly ...
All studies were included in the dose–response curve between dietary folate intake and the incidence of prostate cancer. As shown in Figure 3A and illustrated by the P value for nonlinearity (P ...