Getting a surprise bouquet of flowers from your husband can stir up a mix of emotions and questions. While often romantic ...
Dear Eric: My husband has a block, mentally, where he cannot buy flowers. I think he is willfully incompetent. It’s not as if he were beaten with a bouquet or forced to eat them as a child.
Dear Eric: My husband has a block, mentally, where he cannot buy flowers. I think he is willfully incompetent. It’s not as if he were beaten with a bouquet or forced to eat them as a child.
In all our years together, my husband has never given me flowers -- not for Valentine’s Day, our anniversary or any other special occasion. Gifts, in general, don’t seem to be on his radar.
DEAR ERIC: My husband has a block, mentally, where he cannot buy flowers. I think he is willfully incompetent. It’s not as if he were beaten with a bouquet or forced to eat them as a child.
Dear Eric: My husband has a block, mentally, where he cannot buy flowers. I think he is willfully incompetent. It’s not as if he were beaten with a bouquet or forced to eat them as a child.