Scientists discovered a 15-million-year-old fish fossil, Ferruaspis brocksi. It has preserved stomach contents and visible ...
By looking at differences among the fossils over time, the researchers learned that while the fish's large-scale features, like its body shape, have stayed consistent since the Cretaceaous more ...
In the kits, the trilobite (2), brachiopod (3), dinosaur bone (4), horse tooth (5), petrified wood (6), graptolite (7), fish (8), smooth and jagged ... Recrystallization preserves the shape of the ...
By looking at the shape and size of coprolites ... Heather says, 'Mary was really the first person who looked inside these fossils and saw the remains of fish, with scales and bone. This prompted ...
Unlike nearly all fossil fish of that age, Palaeospondylus was ... In the Cravens Peak samples, she noticed some distinctively shaped, tiny elements composed of an unusual honeycomb-like tissue.
Unlike nearly all fossil fish of that age, Palaeospondylus was ... In the Cravens Peak samples, she noticed some distinctively shaped, tiny elements composed of an unusual honeycomb-like ...
But while the 95-mile stretch straddling Devon and Dorset has deep ties to dinosaurs, there’s more than dusty fossils to be discovered ... spa days, and fish and chips al fresco.
Sharks have been around for hundreds of millions of years, appearing in the fossil record before ... risen from within a group of fish known as acanthodians or spiny sharks. “Acanthodians are not at ...
Other types of bone-plated fish that lacked jaws developed a range of bizarre forms. Fossil specimens include species with horseshoe-shaped heads and others that looked like rounded shields.
An extremely rare dinosaur-era animal vomit fossil has been discovered in Denmark, the Museum of East Zealand announced on Monday. The fossil hunter, Peter Bennicke, stumbled upon an unusually ...