“Women War and Documentary Film” is a series of four films each covering a different war/conflict (W.W. II, Vietnam, the Rwandan genocide, the Iraq war); each by a woman director; and each dealing, in ...
Haedanghwa, a beautiful woman, comes into the life of a single father and his three grown-up sons all of sudden! The abandoned woman, who does not have any memories about herself, begins her ...
Female War is an NC-19 rated omnibus movie comprised of 7 different episodes, which are based on cartoonist writer Park In-kwon's original works. Each episode successfully delivers the cartoonist ...
Painter Ha-rim became blind due to an unfortunate accident. His wife Sun-yeong searches far and low for a cornea donor until she meets terminal cancer patient Dae-geun. These two make a startling and ...
Six Triple Eight’s Ensemble Carries the Movie The ensemble cast heavily carries ... it’s informative of the female war efforts from people of color in WWII and an inspiration to continue ...
These interviews should be compulsory viewing so people understand the courage and sacrifice of a generation of men and women who displayed ... greatest Second World War films.
When Charity Adams Earley was sent across seas in 1944 , she was faced with a monumental task: Get millions of pieces of mail ...
The first film that depicted the Gulf War focused on a huge point of conflict at the time, women in the battlefield. The film stars Meg Ryan and an always amazing Denzel Washington. The story works ...