What Happened: HHS Secretary Kennedy directed FDA to consider removing the current self-affirmation pathway for determining that a food ingredient is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). Who’s ...
The FDA conducts detailed safety assessments of all food contact materials, considering factors like chemical migration and ...
The U.S. health secretary has vowed to close an FDA loophole that has allowed food companies to self-police the safety of new ...
Proposals to eliminate the self-affirmed GRAS pathway have sent shockwaves through the food industry. But what do they mean ...
"For far too long, ingredient manufacturers and sponsors have exploited a loophole that has allowed new ingredients and ...
Through an Order that the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK) ...
The ‘Generally Recognized As Safe’ process apparently would continue – if only for a while – but would require FDA ...
Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ordered the Food and Drug Administration on Monday to revise its ...
The Health Secretary wants to eliminate a provision that allows companies to self-affirm that food ingredients are safe.
RFK, Jr., is directing the acting FDA commissioner to explore the elimination of the self-affirmed GRAS pathway for ...
US Health and Human Services secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. directs the Food and Drug Administration to explore revamping ...
Kennedy said the move is intended to improve consumer safety by increasing transparency in what is in the food people consume, especially ultraprocessed foods.