picking a programming language that assists the developer with such an arduous task is very important, with Ada being the primary choice for high-reliability embedded platforms, but C++ along with ...
What is the best language in which to code your next project? If you are an embedded-system designer, that question has always been a bit silly. You will use, C—or if you are trying to impress ...
The world of embedded development is undergoing a paradigm shift, thanks to the introduction of Microchip’s new AI Coding Assistant.
to assist software developers and embedded engineers in writing and debugging code with the launch of its MPLAB® AI Coding Assistant. A Microsoft® Visual Studio® Code (VS Code®) extension ...
Click here for full interview. In this show, we speak with Tanya Janca, aka SheHacksPurple, a renowned code security trainer with nearly 30 years of experience in application development, engineering, ...