Electronic cigarette use may pose lower cardiovascular risks in people living with HIV compared to tobacco cigarette use, new ...
Electronic cigarettes use may pose lower cardiovascular risks in people living with HIV compared to tobacco cigarette use, ...
While this latest research offers a counterpoint to advice that vaping can help people quit smoking, other experts have come forward in recent years to warn about the dangerous of e-cigarettes.
Among the most successful ways to quit vaping and smoking are quitlines and nicotine replacement therapy. Smoking ...
To sell e-cigarettes, companies must show that their products are safe and help adult cigarette smokers kick their traditional smoking habits. At the same time, companies also have to show that ...
Greater e-cigarette accessibility and use appeared to be associated with lower rates of smoking among young people, according ...
Smoking nicotine-based e-cigarettes has become a widespread alternative to cigarette smoking. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 11% of adults in the United States ...