The English Department at UB has a long tradition of producing innovative work in medieval and early-modern studies. We aim to train students in the historical and textual fundamentals of the period ...
Ronda Arab is from Halifax, Nova Scotia, where she completed an Honours BA and an MA in English at Dalhousie University. She completed another MA and a PhD at Columbia University in New York City. She ...
John works on English Renaissance drama and English Renaissance and Early-Modern poetry in general, with particular interests in Spenser, Shakespeare, Jonson, and Milton. He also has interests in the ...
This volume offers Ingrid Baumgärtner's central articles on the medieval and early modern history of cartography for the first time in English translation. A first group of essays gives an overview of ...
Early Modern Studies explores these questions and much more. Completion of secondary school (Grade 12) Achievement of the minimum average for your program of choice. Completion of Grade 12 English (or ...
These last sets of peoples were often connected to English merchant adventurers. It is not possible to know the exact number of Africans living in early modern England. But they were certainly ...
Our PhD and MA students are an integral part of our research community. In addition to the School of English research seminars, staff and students also participate in the Early Modern Brown Bag ...