Tower Raid balance changes and more have been implemented via Dying Light 2 update 1.067/1.67 on consoles and PC.
Techland is greatly improving Tower Raid in Dying Light 2 following the game mode's permanent addition this past month.
There is a location in Dying Light 2 that is right next to Aiden after he finishes the tutorial that contains three inhibitors; enough to level up all on its own. If that seems too good to be true ...
We will continue to make Tower Raid a better experience for everyone.” To get into some specifics, the Dying Light 2 update “Hotfix 1.21.3” fixes a number of crashes and issues on consoles.
"Winter Tales: Gifts from Above 2024," Dying Light 2's Christmas-themed event for this year, is now live, giving players the opportunity to take part in festive activities and collect special ...
Techland announced Dying Light: The Beast for 2025, expanding the franchise's universe. Dying Light 2 will receive updates in 2025, including events like Tower Raid and new weapons. The Beast ...
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