Having diabetes has serious consequences for health and is associated with increased risk of developing diseases related to damage to the heart (heart attacks), blood vessels (strokes, foot ulcers), ...
Detection of DFUs in clinical settings and telemedicine platforms is another game-changer. YOLO (You Only Look Once), Faster ...
If you have peripheral neuropathy, you may not feel an injury or sore on your foot. People with diabetes often have compromised blood circulation, which makes it more difficult for wounds to heal.
Frances Game highlights diabetes foot complications in low-income countries; emphasizes prevention and simple interventions ...
Many people with diabetes develop foot ulcers—open wounds on the feet—that are dangerous because almost half of them become infected. Infections can lead to hospital stays and sometimes force doctors ...
Having diabetes has serious consequences for health ... to damage to the heart (heart attacks), blood vessels (strokes, foot ulcers), kidneys (chronic kidney failure), and the nervous system ...