This strange and mesmerizing sea creature can age in reverse when times get tough, in a move that would make Benjamin Button ...
Scientists often encounter things beyond human comprehension. When studying jellyfish and their remarkable healing abilities, ...
Comb jellies’ eight rows of comblike cilia act as paddles. In the 1980s a rapidly multiplying species decimated Black Sea fisheries. Beroe abyssicola, 4.7 inches long Aequorea victoria.
Comb jellies, soft-bodied marine creatures that swim by beating ... as well as eight spoke-like projections. “One of the species even had robust spines,” coauthor Quiang Ou, a paleobiologist at the ...
Almost by chance, researchers in Norway found adult comb jellies reverse their development and become larva again when stressed by starvation. It helps them survive because larva eat less than the ...
Populations of the native species have continued to decline, but this is the only major impact of the gray squirrel documented in Great Britain. The comb jellyfish demonstrates the enormous impact ...
This brownish-orange comb jelly of the genus Beroe is likely one of the five undescribed species characterized by the team of researchers. Credit must be given to the creator.
Studying comb jellies made sense to scientists given the existence of Turritopsis dohrnii, also known, ironically, as the immortal jellyfish. This unique species was once the only creature on ...