An analysis revealed only “fungus and three different species of bacteria, all of which are commonly found on human hands,” ...
Six senior cardinals, including two considered strong contenders to be future popes, have been accused by campaigners of ...
Pilgrims have been pouring into a medieval hilltop town to venerate not only two of the Catholic Church’s most celebrated ...
After 72 years, a priest is recommending to the Archbishop that St. Paul Catholic School to permanently shutter its doors ...
Federal and local authorities are investigating a possible hate crime after a Catholic Church named after St. Patrick was ...
To mark the beginning of the Lenten season, or the 40-day period prior to Easter, Catholic Cemeteries of Long Island held a ...
The Yukon NDP says public money has been going to religious instruction in the territory’s Catholic schools, contrary to the ...
Both Guzmán and Cremer estimate that each parish has lost nearly half of its parishioners since the fire. The water was only ...
The arm of the church serving U.S. Armed Forces and veterans hospitals is one of the few Catholic groups that has not created ...
Pilgrims have been pouring into a medieval hilltop town to venerate not only two of the Catholic Church’s most celebrated ...