Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness were solid action games that showcased what Castlevania could be in 3D.
O ne would think that with over a dozen core entries to its name, the Castlevania series would have incorporated some sort of ...
Beyond the Ice Palace 2 ticks all of the nostalgia-inducing boxes boasted by genre classics like the old-school Castlevania games, featuring engaging level design, brutal bosses, challenging ...
Additionally, there are alternative timelines that have rebooted Castlevania, including the Lords of Shadow trilogy and the often-overlooked Nintendo 64 versions. Even within the main Castlevania ...
There have been 3D Castlevania games in the past, most notably in the N64 era, but those games aren’t held in nearly as high-regard as 2D classics like Symphony of the Night. If Konami really is ...