“It turns out my Tesla is less Road Runner, more Wile E. Coyote,” Rober says as he inspects the damage on the front hood. The ...
A driver was caught in a sticky situation after he crashed his car which got stuck between two pillars of a covered walkway ...
Nvidia and Yum! Brands, the owner of Taco Bell, have a strategic partnership for AI, meaning the technology could extend ...
As you approach a toll booth, there's no fumbling for a credit card or reaching for a pass; your vehicle handles the ...
YouTuber Mark Rober drove a Tesla Model Y on Autopilot at a fake road wall and extreme rain and fog to test it against a ...
Police said the man drove himself to the location after the shooting, which occurred on Nyack Drive, just two minutes away ...
One family on Montgomery Road found their fence and garden completely torn up, with a car's bumper left behind ...