On Balance Volume (OBV) calculates buying and selling as a cumulative indicator that adds volume on up days and subtracts volume on down days. To calculate OBV, investors evaluate the closing prices ...
The volume of a cylinder is the area of the cross-section multiplied by the height. D button is used to convert a value in terms of π to a decimal value. To calculate the surface area of a ...
Volume is a measure of space taken up by a 3-dimensional shape and is measured in \(mm^{3}\), \(cm^{3}\) etc. Volume can also be measured in litres with \(1\, litre = 1000\,cm^{3}\). Make sure you ...
The on-balance volume (OBV) creates a running total of positive and negative trading volume for a security. One of the original momentum oscillators, OBV spawns from Joe Granville's theory that ...