To the unobservant eye, all semi-trucks are the same massive machines that barrel down the highways. But upon closer inspection, you'll find that there are quite a number of differences among ...
But that's about to start changing with the advent of this new cab-over model seen here. The imposing commercial truck above has a feature that might be surprising to most Autoblog readers – a ...
From cab design to road regulations, here are 15 key reasons these trucks are built for their unique environments.
If you're in the market and mood for a 6.5-ton cab-over truck that also offers power to all its wheels, Fuso would like you to have a look at its new Canter 4x4. With the addition of selectable ...
The F-Series had its birth in 1948 covering six truck classes, from a half-ton to a cab-over truck. Power and capacity increased during the second generation, in 1953. The truck continued to ...