Minnich also says his officers will not enforce the plan to close Town Hall. This post was updated to add new information. WEST BOYLSTON ― A closed-door meeting of the Select Board, to focus on ...
Homer. Sappho. James Joyce. Toni Morrison. In a lecture hall in Harvard’s hulking granite Boylston Hall, 90 students — all first-years — listen attentively as six big-name professors usher ...
In January, West Boylston Police Chief Dennis Minnich was giving a tour of the department when town administrator James Ryan apparently spotted a Trump flag in the police gym, which is private ...
The West Boylston town website posted a statement on Tuesday that reads the Board of Selectmen’s Feb. 18 meeting will be held over Zoom — not at town hall as initially planned. The select ...
WEST BOYLSTON — Heather Butler, the town administrator in Buckland, will replace James Ryan as town manager. Ryan was fired by the Select Board last month amid controversy over a Donald Trump ...
WEST BOYLSTON, Massachusetts (WCVB) — The town administrator of West Boylston, Massachusetts, was fired Monday after controversy erupted over the removal of a Trump flag at the town’s police ...
More: 'Either he's gone or I'm gone': Trump flag leads to rift between West Boylston officials “For security reasons, Town Hall will be closed during the executive session and we ask that ...