Medically reviewed by Renee Nilan, MD A stuffy nose at night can have causes ranging from respiratory infection, allergies, and nasal polyps to dry air, sleep apnea, and even your sleep position.
You may cough up blood-streaked mucus or large amounts of blood ... Sometimes, you may cough up blood from other sources, like your mouth or nose, known as pseudohemoptysis. Many things can cause ...
Mucus serves an important purpose in the nasal passages and other cavities ... This type of infection can cause bleeding in the airways, and this blood makes the mucus and phlegm appear dark ...
These colors include: Pink: Mucus can turn pink after an injury to the nose when it gets streaked with blood. It can also be a sign your nasal passages are so dry that tiny blood vessels that line ...
When inflamed — usually because of an allergic reaction or an infection — they swell, make more mucus ... emits waves that target blood vessels and nerves to ease sinus congestion and pain.
Another upper respiratory infection that can cause a metallic taste when coughing is a sinus infection ... A small amount of blood in the phlegm or mucus you cough up during a cold is normal.
Blocked nose, pounding headache, and pressure that makes your face feel like it’s carrying the weight of the world? Sinus ...