The practice of drawing blood has changed very little over the decades. It looks about the same now as it did 50 years ago.
An innovative procedure for men seeking a natural alternative to traditional ED treatments is gaining popularity.
Culpeper County Sheriff's Office, Commonwealth’s Attorney’s and Emergency Services collaborate to conduct in-house blood ...
The device (pictured above) uses artificial intelligence and ultrasound imaging to deliver a needle exactly where it is needed to draw blood. It automatically carries out the entire procedure ...
No bueno. One thing that works for me is to distract myself from the blood draw entirely. You can try counting or reciting a repetitive prayer until it is done, keeping your eyes somewhere else.
The Austin Police Department recently launched a program that has trained some officers on how to draw blood so it can be tested for alcohol. APD Lt. William White says drawing blood for DWIs has ...
Chicago-based Northwestern Medicine is collaborating with Netherlands-based medical robotics company Vitestro to test whether ...
Inspira Technologies' innovative blood sensor is gaining attention. According to a recent announcement, results from the device's clinical evaluation are due imminently ...
Unlike with a traditional blood draw, the patient does not see the needle go into the arm nor the tubes of blood. The process takes about two minutes and has a 95% success rate on the first attempt.