The federal government reaffirms its commitment to biodiversity conservation and the protection of endangered wildlife ...
Baby G reunited with his surrogate mom Fredrika at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo's gorilla enclosure after spending time away from the troop getting treated for pneumonia This video captures the ...
On Friday, staff with the zoo announced that a 12-year-old gorilla named Adelina had given birth to a brand new baby gorilla during the early morning hours of March 1. While they have been unable ...
Disney Celebrates Birth of White Pony Who Will Grow Up to ... to compelling human interest stories In 1956, baby girl Colo was the first gorilla born in captivity at the Columbus Zoo.
LITTLE ROCK (KATV) — A baby gorilla has become the newest addition to the Little Rock Zoo! In a post to their Facebook page, Zoo officials announced that the infant was born to mother Adelina ...
Mogo Wildlife Park welcomed a new baby gorilla. Picture: Tim Hunter. “To our absolute best knowledge, we believe it’s a girl,” he said. Mr Staples said all signs pointed the fur baby being a ...