Widespread planting of corn hybrids designed to combat corn rootworm, the crop's most damaging pest in the Corn Belt, is ...
Dively and his colleagues compared data on sweet corn, peppers, and green beans grown in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. in the 20 years before Bt maize was introduced to the 20 years that ...
Since then, farmers have extensively used “Bt corn” hybrids. Subsequently, multiple field studies have reported Bt resistance in rootworms since 2009, raising doubts about the long-term ...
The Handy Bt Trait Table for U.S. corn production is in its 26th year. The Trait Table for field corn (and now sweet corn) ...
Farmers should be aware that overusing Bt corn can be problematic, according to an analysis of data covering 12 years and 10 ...