Sure, several inches of the white fluffy stuff blanketed the city this week. But coming off two very snowy, record-breaking ...
Our official snow depth for Anchorage is 0. If it feels early, you're right. Previous years this happened were 2016 & 2003.
Forecasters estimated about 5 inches of snow covered the ground at the weather service offices in West Anchorage around 7:30 ...
Anchorage crea, it's looking a little more winter than it has been. Your Alaska Link spoke to people about the nearly spring ...
The Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness announced a rental assistance program that garnered over 1,300 responses in just ...
Alaska’s Mount Spurr, a snow-covered volcano 75 miles outside Anchorage, is showing signs it could erupt soon, experts warned ...
Anchorage Mayor Suzanne LaFrance said city officials are closely watching the mounting activity at Mt. Spurr volcano which ...
Three to over 5 inches of snow has fallen in Anchorage through the night, making this the most snow the town’s seen since Nov ...
On Thursday morning, Alaska State Troopers publicly identified the three missing persons caught in the avalanche as ...
While roads and sidewalks might seem clear enough to ride on right now, bicycle specialists suggest holding on to studded tires just a little while longer. Your Alaska Link explains ...