LIFE CYCLE: Adult lizards are active and may spend half the day moving; they spend the nighttime hours burrowed under sand. Mid-November through mid-February, adult lizards hibernate in burrows five ...
But there’s a twist in the case of the genus Aspidoscelis, the asexually reproducing whiptail lizards that Baumann and his colleagues have been studying at the Stowers Institute for Medical ...
A tyrannosaur that lived 70 million years ago in Alaska wasn't nearly as big as Tyrannosaurus rex, but it wasn't as small as ...
The region's shinnery oaks are only four or five feet high, but they provide food, shade and a breeding ground for the small, brown dunes sagebrush lizard — otherwise known as the sand dune lizard.
Adult perentie lizards can reach more than 8 feet (2.4 meters) in length and can weigh more than 40 pounds (18 kilograms), the zoo said. They have brown skin with cream or yellow markings.