Advanced Gas-cooled reactors (AGR’s) are a British thermal reactor design developed in the early 1960s as a successor to the Magnox reactor. The fuel assemblies are cooled using Carbon dioxide, with ...
The fuel cycle of research reactors is similar to that of most power reactors, including all steps from fuel fabrication to spent fuel management. The IAEA assists Member States in all phases of this ...
This paper offers a perspective on molten salt reactors, promoted as having a flexible fuel cycle and close-to-ambient pressure operation. A complexity introduced by reducing the reactor footprint is ...
The research project contains two stages: The safety case of an aged advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR) was investigated at the first stage, and fundamental studies on the turbulence and heat transfer ...
Post-irradiation examination was completed on two as-irradiated compacts from the US Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification Program’s second irradiation test. These compacts were ...