A famous Dublin statue of a mythical fishmonger should be protected from the groping hands of tourists and passersby, says a ...
At the underwater archaeology site of Gran Carro di Bolsena in Aiola, Italy, divers found an ancient clay figurine pegged to ...
Yup, aka DJ Koo, is paying tribute to his late wife, Barbie Hsu, by creating a memorial statue in her honor. Open the Youtube ...
The statue depicts Billy Frank Jr. wearing jeans, a button-down shirt and a bolo tie. Below his cowboy boots, salmon are ...
Raphaël Glucksmann, a center-left French politician, slammed the Trump administration as “shameful” after it pushed back ...
The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor shares something in common with other marvels of the world that are, were and never ...
A man has pleaded not guilty to attacking a statue outside the BBC headquarters, causing more than £150,000 worth of ...