Best released its yearly list of the country's best zoos. Brevard Zoo usually makes the list. Did it this year?
BREVARD, Fla. - The Brevard Zoo announced the unfortunate passing of its oldest male giraffe on Facebook Monday afternoon.
The Brevard Zoo announced that its oldest male giraffe, Doc, has passed away, despite extensive efforts to manage his ongoing mobility and health issues.
A zoo in Central Florida has been named one of the best zoos in the United States. In fact, it earned a top 10 spot in USA ...
A spider monkey at Brevard Zoo had to have his arm amputated after a freak accident where it got caught in mesh fencing.
Looking for a spring break activity? Two Florida zoos placed on this list of the top 10 best in the country. Here's when to ...
Sully, a young spider monkey, had his arm amputated after getting entangled in zoo enclosure mesh and sustaining a severe ...
So far this year, 148 stranded sea turtles have been reported from Brevard, according to data from the Florida Fish and ...
In a social media post on Monday, the zoo shared that Doc “passed away despite our best efforts to manage his ongoing ...
A 10-month-old spider monkey named Sully had his arm amputated after it was severely injured in a mesh-style fence at the Brevard Zoo. Veterinarians determined that amputation was the best course ...